
Showing posts from May, 2020

Hammerson Plc - The Investment Case

This post on the investment case for Hammerson Plc.  It sets out to give the facts on Hammerson Plc as an investment.  It seeks as far as it is possible to explain the current situation with regards to Hammerson's share price.  It hopes to provide a data based investment analysis of  Hammerson Plc the UK's largest dedicated retail property investment company and 3 largest quoted property company. Hammerson investment the background To most investors Hammerson appears to be a strange contradiction as the UK's largest retail landlord trading at a massive discount to underlying assets.  How have we got here and more importantly what's next for this colossus of retail property? Hammerson the company Hammerson was established in 1942 by Lewis Hammerson, originally developing residential property then expanding into commercial property in 1948. Hammerson became a public company in 1954, and began a programme of partnering with local authorities to rede